Thursday, November 20, 2008
Vol. I, Issue 4
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The theme I noticed coming up over and over this past week involves the dance between creativity and pleasure.
This is a process I have also been exploring and dancing with in my life. My process:
My First Step has been to assess my needs for engaging with my creative energy, creativity, life force and vitality.
My Second Step has been to explore how does my creativity–creative life force desire expression.
The Final Step has involved consciously focusing and giving myself permission, time, and energy in which to engage with my creativity.
This in turn unlocks and releases increased flow and pleasure, into that creative endeavor. As a result, more inspiration and desire to create flow in. And so, moment by moment, the circle of creation is re-energized.
I invite you
Try a spin for yourself…
As I shared with a client today:
“Keep integrity and love in the process while honoring the dance.”
Living with Creativity and Pleasure
In the past few weeks, I have observed many clients being challenged by their 2 step dichotomy dance—it can only be this way or that, I can only do it this way or that. These 2 limited options become held in opposition on a scale like horizontal line.
They are looking for relief. However, the tension of the dichotomy locks each position in tighter and prevents movement, flow, perspective or a solution.
Moving from feeling trapped to flow happens quickly once the client shifts their perspective from a 2 dimensional to a 3rd or 4th dimensional perspective. This happens when the client imagines realigns the horizontal 2 dimensional scale into a 3 dimensional spiral.
So, if you imagine your fist held horizontally with the pinkie representing one issue and the thumb another. Now, rotate your fist just 30 degrees into a spiral motion. See and feel how the relation and dynamics between the pinkie and thumb shift?
This changes the orientation and position of the opposing components with one another. It also creates a common intersecting point of reference, thereby releasing resistance and opening to new perspective and possibilities.
Feelings of interconnection, release, relief, and freedom emerge as the body is now able to observe new solutions.
And from there, creativity, joy, freedom and pleasure grow.
Last Tuesday I made the trip down to Denver with two dear Nurse Midwife friends in order to experience Dr. Christianne Northrup’s Secret Pleasures of Menopause book tour. The drive provided 2+ hours time where we could just be with each other uninterrupted and really reconnect with each other.
Dr Northrup, with great humor, integrated her one woman instructional gyn stand up act with a powerful meditation process and a little dancing for the road. We had a blast!
Her book would make an amazing holiday gift!
Please do not be put off by the title. This book is really for any person wanted to learn more about how pleasure is created and sustained in our bodies and lives.
Dr. Northrup’s intention while writing this book was that it be small enough to fit into a purse. In it, she discusses the physiology of pleasure; emphasizing that nitrous oxide- the original pleasure chemical – is released when we participate in acts of pleasure!
Her talk motivated me to assess: where were the pleasure filled events of my week; to validate them, and to consciously create more.
What I learned was, the time I was spending with groups of women, either in 2’s or 3’s or larger groups was not only sustaining me, but was necessary nourishment! I observed that these events were occurring in 24-48 hour intervals and that going longer than that without a meaningful contact was too long for me.
So, Friday afternoon, when I finished working at my office in Boulder; I had a choice to either go home and attend to home chores or to be “indulgent” and go out for a decaf mocha.
The call for pleasure persisted. I called a friend, rescued her from her charting, and we enjoyed a spontaneous enjoyable coffee/tea date.
This week I invite you to consciously cultivate your daily acts of pleasure.
The next time you feel torn and stuck between two options, try the spiral exercise I described above.
I am very excited to share with each of you, the powerful meditation healing exercise that Christiane Northrup MD shared in her presentation.
Bruno Groening was a powerful healer who died in Germany in the 1950’s. To this day, people are continuing to be healed by connecting to his presence. There is a large collection of documented healing being compiled as we talk, by respected researchers and physicians.
I invite each of you to visit the web site to learn more.
Click on English
Under the download button you can download the music in which to experience the meditation process. I love this music. It is sweet, majestic and very powerful.
It also creates a succinct container in which to experience the meditation healing process.
In Case You Missed It…
On Saturday, November 8th, I was a guest on the Jennifer Crews Get Intuit radio show. We talked about intuition–the 7 reasons why many of us fear our intuition. I also discussed my work as a Birth Intuitive.
The show was a blast–it felt like a dance! Click here to listen.
Chris Northrup’s Books:
- The Secret Pleasure of Menopause
- Mother-Daugher Wisdom
- The Wisdom of Menopause
- Women’s Bodies Women’s Wisdom
Boulder / Denver Area
TARA APPROACH FAMILY CLINICS HELD MONTHLY IN ELDORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO AT THE TARA STUDIO: Stephanie Mines, Ph.D. (founder of the TARA Approach) and Darcy Kamin, RN (Advanced TARA Approach practitioner) co-facilitate monthly clinics to optimize confidence, wellbeing, courage and curiosity for children and families. Free community presentations focus on themes like attunement, attachment, bonding, how to help calm children’s nervous systems, creative play and resolving early trauma. Clinics provide opportunities to explore empowering interventions and treatment to resolve behavioral and health issues. Stephanie specializes in Pre and Perinatal Psychology, therapeutic storytelling, energy medicine and cranial treatment. Darcy is a lactation consultant and nurse who has been working with families for 27 years.
Clinic December 6 family clinic session
December 5th free community talk on themes of pre and perinatal issues and their impact on health. To register for these programs contact Darcy Kamin, RN at or 303-447-2609
For more information about the TARA Approach go to Click on CLASSES for a schedule of upcoming clinics and register for our e-newsletters.
Stephanie Mines will also be presenting a Conscious Woman WebEx series on HELPING CHILDREN FIND RESILIENCE AND BALANCE AFTER TRAUMA. For more information on these and related programs go to
Teresa Robertson RN,MSN,Certified Nurse Midwife, has been involved in the realms of women’s health, birth, and alternative healing for the past 29 years. During the past 12 years, she has shared these integrative tools of healing and knowing with numerous groups of clients and professionals.
Visit Teresa at
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Intuitive Reminders is written by Teresa Robertson. If you have any questions or comments, please send them