Taking The ‘IN’ Out of INFertility: Tips for Healthy Conception

taking-the-in-out-of-infertility-article-by-teresaby:  Teresa Robertson RN, Certified Nurse Midwife, Birth IntuitiveTM



An essential point I make with each client is the importance of taking the word, belief and concept “infertility” out of their mind, heart, vocabulary and actions.

Our bodies will comply with the language and beliefs we feed them. Therefore, if we are constantly barraging ourselves with; being infertile, going to the infertility specialist, or support group, our bodies will listen and continue to act on what we tell it.

So, let’s get that word out of your life!

Your first assignment in this process is to start noticing where and when this word (infertility) appears in your life. When it does, either in your mind or aloud (aloud is more powerful) use other words.

Like what?

  • I am promoting my fertility.
  • Visit with my fertility doctor.
  • Attending a fertility support group.
  • Dancing with fertility challenges.

Get the idea?

One place you most likely won’t be able to officially get around it is in any insurance billing form. Try thinking fertility promotion whenever you see that other word with it’s accompanying codes.

Also notice how your body feels when it sees that word and how it feels when you use positive fertile statements.

By changing your language, you will change your focus; most likely your mood and attitude will follow. If our thoughts create our reality, then by thinking fertile thoughts, you are adding an important ingredient to fulfilling your dream and creating your miracle.



Nearly 30% of the couples seeking a diagnosis from a fertility specialist get a diagnosis of “unexplained”.

This is very frustrating for these individuals. If there is something wrong they could work on fixing it. How do you fix something you can’t explain?

In these cases, acupuncture and Mind/Body work have a significant success rate. Mind/Body work such as I offer can increase fertility rates by 30%!


Other areas for investigation with these individuals are sub-clinical physical conditions. Below are some of the major areas I investigate with my clients:

1. Chronic pain, especially in the lower back and pelvis. This includes women with a history of trauma such as a car accident, a fall from biking, skiing or snowboarding injuries. I have seen “unexplained”  infertility clients conceive after receiving Body work such as Uterine Massage, Rolfing, Visceral Manipulation, Craniosacral work or Acupuncture.

2. TSH needs to be between 1.0 – 2.5 for a woman to conceive and stay pregnant. The lab normal is .5 – 5.0

3. Progesterone needs to be 15 or higher. A blood test for progesterone is taken 7-8 days after ovulation. A low progesterone level can be easily supplemented.

4. Cell phone use. In a recent study in Europe men who wore a cell phone had a 30% lower sperm count. The effect on women is unknown at this time.

5. Cholesterol levels should be at least 170 for both Mother and Father. Your sex hormones are made with cholesterol as a building block.

6. Celiac Disease. 1 out of 16 undiagnosed fertility problems can be attributed to an allergy of foods containing gluten. A blood test can reveal if you have such an allergy. This condition is treated with diet modification. Celiac often does not manifest Gastrointestinal symptoms. Celiac can be the root cause of other chronic disorders such as Lupus, Hashimotos, Diabetes, Excema and Melanoma.

7. High protein, low carb diets. A recent study showed that low carb diets decreased the ability of mice embryos to implant.


Teresa Robertson RN, Certified Nurse Midwife, MS, Birth IntuitiveTM

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