Thursday, December 18, 2008
Vol. I, Issue 5
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Let There be Peace on Earth
I never felt much happening for me inside a church as a child, however, this hymn, which I remember from junior high school—yes, catholic junior high school—resonated deeply for me.
My memory of singing it elicited strong feelings of the vibration and meaning of the words as they reverberated and radiated peace from every cell of my heart and soul. I particularly loved the stanza of “Let peace begin with me.”
Out of “nowhere,” this hymn came back to me in the wake of the recent Mumbai terrorist killings.
The common denominator underlying the diverse celebrations taking place over the next few weeks is rooted in the observance of hope, new birth, and the growth of light in our lives.
This ezine is sort of like a stocking—chock filled with little interconnected pieces to inspire each of you to cultivate peace, joy, hope, and well being during this time of renewed light.
Let there be peace on earth,
and let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on Earth,
the peace that was meant to be.
With God as our Father,
brothers all are we,
Let me walk with my brother,
in perfect harmony.
Let peace begin with me,
let this be the moment now.
With every step I take,
let this be my solemn vow,
To take each moment and live each moment
in peace, eternally.
Let there be Peace on Earth,
and let it begin with me.
A Voice For Peace
By Dan G Fogelberg
August 13, 1951- December 16, 2007
(I always thought this song should have
been picked up by the peace movement.
As we are learning, every voice counts.
However you voice or sing it.)
Let it start here with me, oh let mine be a voice
And in the face of the beast, oh let mine be a voice
Until the breaths in me cease, oh let mine be a voice for peace
Let mine oh let my small voice be a voice for peace
Oh let mine oh let my small voice be a voice for peace
Oh let mine oh let my small voice be a voice for peace
Oh let mine oh let my small voice be a voice for peace
Raise your voice up, raise your voice up
Raise your voice up and sing for the promise
Sing as a round with the last (Chorus)
I wanted to share with all of you an inspiring creative response I received from a talented, powerful and very creative client after she read the last ezine on creativity. Ezine archives can be found here.
She wrote: “I had to laugh when I read the topic of creativity in this issue. I just had a big breakthrough in my personal meditations recently where I realized that I was afraid of what I might create if I gave myself free reign to use my creative powers…… So I said to myself, what if I were to give myself even five minutes to write a poem; could I still do it? I’ve attached the outcome of that five minutes of writing; it’s called “Embracing Creation.” Thanks for sharing!”
I loved Lori’s poem and I wanted to share it with you.
Embracing Creation
By Lori Ann Nicholson
Out of the deepest, darkest silence
I feel the spark of light within me fly
To create, give birth to the new
With no need to even wonder why
Joy, unlimited possibilities
Desire as it takes its form
Creating the world of the future
Trusting myself on paths unknown
The endless cycle of creation
Contract, only to expand again
Each emotion has its season
Until our lives stop, and then begin again
The oldest, most revered process
I choose to fear you no more
Rather to believe in the love to come
Let Spirit open for me new doors
Finding and Keeping the Joy in a Holiday Ritual
This year marks the 7th annual tea with T.
This is a holiday ritual that initially was created not as a ritual but as a fun and easy way to connect with all of my friends. Everyone had so much fun that first year, that now it has become an anticipated time in everyone’s holiday calendar.
We are blessed in Boulder to have been gifted an exquisite tea house from our sister city in Dushanbe–
So we gather amidst amazing carvings, mosaic tiles and a calming fountain to share tea, snacks and our simple company. What really works for me is that there is no cleaning before or after, there is nothing to prep, and everyone has a fabulous time.
Two smaller traditions have emerged within this gathering time–a simple hostess gift and prayer bundles.
The hostess gifts are usually something I have enjoyed and wish to share such as a local soap or jasmine tea pearls. Some years it is something I personally make such as an aromatherapy spray or a sachet. Each year I enjoy thinking of what simple tokens of appreciation I most would enjoy sharing with my friends.
The second tradition, creation of prayer bundles, originated from a women’s group 20 years ago when I last lived in Connecticut.
I bring the materials:
* Red cotton 2-3” squares
* Tobacco–this year we have chocolate tobacco
* Sea salt
* White string
Take a pinch of tobacco and sea salt and inspire into the bundle your intention for it.
(Examples: protection for vehicle, Relationship bundle, Health bundle)
Then tie the bundle up with the string.
I tend to make new bundles once a year and burn the older ones.
This year, I invite and encourage you to create a special time and space to honor for yourself what is special for you. It can be as simple as baking your grandmother’s cookie recipe or sitting on the couch in the dark watching the tree lights with a cup of something warm.
Chose and enjoy something that brings you pleasure and joy.
That is what this time is about.
Seems all one hears in the news these days is a lot of fear about how bad things are and that they are just going to get worse.
REMEMBER, that the law of attraction shows us that what we focus on expands. Now, none of us wants the economy to tank or to struggle.
Here are quick and easy reminder of tools that work to help us to remain focused on what we do wish to be creating.
MIND: move your focus to what is working. Sometimes that means being really basic, like I got up today and brushed my teeth. I have electricity, my phone works, etc.
Music is a great quick tool to change our dial to a better feeling place. I have a “pick me up” CD of songs that do it for me when I am feeling less than positive.
BODY: feed your brain high quality brain food to offset the increase of sugar such as eggs, algae products, fish oil, and good fats. Remember that alcohol is just sugar in a fermented incarnation.
Protein is essential.
Listen to your body’s need for rest. I recovered from the 7 day cold in 5 days after a friend convinced me to get into my pjs and rest.
SPIRIT: take a moment to take a deep breath and to ground. If you are feeling particularly stuck, ask your guides and spirit helpers to help you. Because we live in a free will universe, they cannot help you without your explicit permission. SO ASK for assistance. This works for me EVERY TIME.
For those of you on Twitter, please follow me at
F*ree Teleseminar by Teresa Robertson. Click here to sign up.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 9 pm EST
45-minute introduction to Teresa’s new class:
Before You Start Trying: How to prepare your mind, body and spirit for Pregnancy
February 18th, 2009, at 7:15 Preparing for Pregnancy class. $50 for individual or couple. Held at Belly Bliss, Cherry Creek Denver. More information at: Class Information and Registration
As a special gift from me to you at this holiday time, I’m offering special pricing on my intuitive counseling sessions.
An Intuitive counseling session makes a meaningful and personalized gift.
For new clients:
$150 for an initial intuitive session (90 minutes).
Regular price is $180. This is a $30 savings.
To purchase, click here.
For returning clients:
$105 for an intuitive session (60 minutes).
Regular price is $125. This is a $20 savings.
To purchase, click here.
Give your family and friends the gift of intuition this holiday season.
Just Like Birth, you can’t predict the media.
Due to the latest political news of the Illinois governor’s scandal
the segment about Orgasmic Birth on
ABC’s 20/20 has been bumped to January 2nd
For you last minute shoppers (like me), check out This is a micro finance site where you can donate as little as $25 and follow the developing country entrepreneur your money is going to finance.
Teresa Robertson RN,MSN,Certified Nurse Midwife, has been involved in the realms of women’s health, birth, and alternative healing for the past 29 years. During the past 12 years, she has shared these integrative tools of healing and knowing with numerous groups of clients and professionals.
Visit Teresa at
You may absolutely share this newsletter with people you think may enjoy it. When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including our contact and copyright information. Thanks and enjoy!
Intuitive Reminders is written by Teresa Robertson. If you have any questions or comments, please send them