by Teresa Robertson | Feb 4, 2016 | Birth Intutive, blog, Change - Transitions, Fertility, Living Intuitive, Pregnancy, Stess reduction, Uncategorized
Well, would you believe that I had just about completed this post; anticipated posting it for New Years, when wham just like that, my January evaporated! On New Year’s Eve, I learned that my dad had just been hospitalized with a diagnosis of pneumonia. What 5 years as...
by Teresa Robertson | May 15, 2015 | Birth Intutive, blog, Pregnancy, Stess reduction, Uncategorized
The Uber Pregnancy- An Urban Myth Now that all of the fan fare about Mother’s Day has passed, I thought I would talk about what pregnant moms really need for pregnancy support. Having been involved with pregnant moms since 1979, I believe that there has never...
by Teresa Robertson | Jan 8, 2009 | Birth Intutive, blog, Change - Transitions, Meditation Practice, Pregnancy
Thursday, January 8, 2009 Vol. 2, Issue 1 Published each month. You are on our list because you signed up for one of our programs. To change your subscription, see link at end of email. Click here to sign up for future ezines. Another cold cloudy ethereal day dusted...
by Teresa Robertson | Dec 18, 2008 | blog, Creativity, Living Intuitive, Meditation Practice, Uncategorized
Thursday, December 18, 2008 Vol. I, Issue 5 Published each month. You are on our list because you signed up for one of our programs. To change your subscription, see link at end of email. Click here to sign up for future ezines Let There be Peace on Earth I never felt...
by Teresa Robertson | Nov 20, 2008 | Birth Intutive, blog, Creativity, Living Intuitive, Uncategorized
Thursday, November 20, 2008 Vol. I, Issue 4 Published twice each month. You are on our list because you signed up for one of our programs. To change your subscription, see link at end of email. Click here to sign up for future ezines The theme I noticed coming up over...
by Teresa Robertson | Oct 31, 2008 | blog, Living Intuitive, Meditation Practice, Uncategorized
Friday, October 31, 2008 Vol. I, Issue 3 Published twice each month. You are on our list because you signed up for one of our programs. To change your subscription, see link at end of email. Click here to sign up for future ezines This week we are getting a respite...