Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Vol. 2, Issue 7
Published each month. You are on our list because you signed up for one of our programs. To change your subscription, see link at end of email.
What a month it has been. The creative effort and pleasure it has taken to launch my new improved site www.livingintuitive.com, birth my new blog http://livingintuitive.wordpress.com/, celebrate my 49th Birthday, and put my cabin on the market, most certainly are responsible for stirring the proverbial pot.
For you seasoned clients out there, I can feel you wisely stroking your chin professor like, thinking- yep first chakra and birth stuff all rolled into one.
The depth of information I have received and experienced over these past weeks about how to repattern and recalibrate my in utero and birth patterning have been invaluable. Why is it in retrospect it all can look so much simpler?
My personal tutorial focused on receiving and trusting the support that was just sitting there for my enjoyment. Guilt free.
Also, I gained more tools on how to get back into that lovely flow when I felt like there was absolutely no access, and I had no concept about how to get back in alignment.
I look forward to sharing my new skills and wisdom with you all in the coming days and weeks ahead.
In the meantime, please visit the new site www.livingintuitive.com which has www.birthintuitive.com integrated within.
Checkout my blog and post a comment http://livingintuitive.wordpress.com/.
The blog will be where I share insights as they come along in between ezine postings.
I look forward to hearing your feedback.
With the intention of enjoying summer before it moves into fall, I Invite you all to lounge in your lounge chairs, hammocks and beach chairs. Now that your body is in lounge mode, it is time to sync your brain with your body.
To support that I would highly encourage you to turnoff all electronic devices- just like on an airplane.
Once your brain and body have synced into lounge mode take some deep breaths and be open to where your spirit self will lead you.
It has a been amazing to me that every time I gift myself with a good deep submerging “ coma “nap, all the goodies I have been trying to manifest, roll on in, effortlessly.
For Established Clients and Phone Sessions Only
Ever felt like you would benefit by consulting with Teresa but didn’t feel you needed an entire hour session?
Did you know that Teresa offers “phone card” sessions.
Here’s how it works:
- You purchase a session or session package.
- This gets converted to minutes. Example: a 3 session package becomes 210 minutes.
- Then you are able to connect with Teresa for any amount of time, depending on your needs.
- Clients are finding it amazing the clarity they are achieving with with just a 20 or 25 minutes call.
August 4, 2009, 6 pm MDT (5 pm PDT / 7 pm CDT / 8 pm EDT)
Miscarriage: It is not just bad luck.
Join Teresa for this 1 hour one-time only F*REE teleclass. Click here to sign up.
Learn some of the important information that your Doctor may not be aware of that might have contributed to your loss or losses.
If you haven’t checked out the new Kindle, you’re missing out. Get all the details here.
I am excited to share with you several audio classes
Cultivating and Creating Abundance Part 1 and Part 2
During these teleclasses, Teresa walks you through seven everyday abundance building tools and techniques.
Cost: $30 each or $55 for bundle with Parts 1 and 2.
Click below to purchase downloadable MP3 file.
Part 1, Part 2, and Bundle (Parts 1 & 2)
Before you start trying: Preparing your mind, body & spirit for an optimal conception pregnancy Introduction, Part 1, and Part 2
Introduction: During this 40 minute teleclass, you can listen to an overview of the content Teresa explores in depth in Preparing for Pregnancy Parts 1 and 2. (Part 1 offered for purchase below.)
Cost: No Charge. (Also available in bundle below)
Click here to receive downloadable MP3 file.
Parts 1 and 2: Join Teresa as she explores this unique mind/body/spiritual approach to pregnancy preparation designed for both men and women. Before you get on the “trying” merry-go- round come to assess where you are individually and as a couple for this life changing and exciting step. Learn how you can start nourishing yourself in preparation and in anticipation of welcoming this new member of your family. Begin to create time and space for this new person into your life. Explore and understand the deeply rewarding, strengthening, and validating aspects of preparing for a pregnancy as opposed to just learning about what you have to begin to deprive yourself of in order to get pregnant.
Cost: $35 each or $60 for bundle with Introduction, Part 1 and Part 2.
Click below to purchase downloadable MP3 files.
Part 1 – Preparing your Body
Part 2 – Preparing Mind and Spirit including connecting with the spirit of your unborn child
Summer Re-Tuning Reading. Click here or call or call 303-258-3904.
Check in an assess what is working and receive a new perspective and guidance on where you want to be heading with some specific tools and feedback to get you started.
Honoring Your Child’s Spirit: Pre-birth Bonding and Communication
by Flo Aeveia Magdelena
Check out the contributing chapter written by Teresa!
Living Our Potential as Beings of Light
The family system is our first and most intimate experience of the world. It is where we learn about love, sharing, generosity, co-creation, and honoring—or about hate, reaction, fear, anger, and separation. The family may be a spiritual haven and a loving place of growth or a place of absent presence, where we physically live together but do not connect. We either make this connection and create a foundation in our childhood or spend our lives looking for it.
When parents establish a conscious heart/soul connection with their children and with each other, deeper levels of trust and safety are experienced. As we deepen our bonds, we are more sensitive to the subtle, nonverbal communication which we exchange at all times with all living organisms. Relationships are not bound by normal restrictions because the information sent via channels of sensory response are unaffected by language, beliefs, or convention. You are connected beyond earthly rules, and can therefore create a unique relationship that works for your family.
To order select below:
USA Orders – $20 includes shipping and handling
International Orders – $25 includes shipping and handling
We are two advanced doctoral students in clinical psychology from Teachers College of Columbia University in New York City who are focusing on the transition to motherhood, the experiences of women through pregnancy and beyond, for our dissertations.
As students, we do not have any funding only our energy to spread the word! Essentially we are asking if you would consider posting our “call for participation” to your community via email.
Please find the link to our online survey and our “blurb” below. We have also included a pdf of our flyer that you may physically post on a bulletin board. Additional study materials are available under “downloads” on our website www.headandbelly.org. Of course, we are happy to answer any questions you may have. We have had a positive response from our participants as they have welcomed the opportunity to reflect on their experiences anonymously. We are IRB approved by our university and meet the highest standards of practice.
Aurelie Athan, M.S.
- Laura Kupperman in this weekly, drop-in class in Boulder that helps prepare the body for pregnancy and tap into our own innate fertility. Open to individuals and couples with any amount of yoga experience (brand new yogis welcome!). Relax, restore, and connect with others who are trying to grow their family. For class information visit www.yogaforfertility.info.
- The Boulder College of Massage Therapy is soon offering our next postpartum massage class. We are looking for women who are within the first 6 months postpartum to receive a FREE supervised student massage on Sunday Aug 2, 2009 – 2:30pm to 4:00pm at the Boulder College of Massage Therapy in Bunbarre.
Those interested should call Kala Spangler at 720-938-3697, or send e-mail to kala@kalaspangler.com. If you are interested, please reply back with the following information: Your home phone number, your cell phone number, the city where you live, your baby’s date of birth.
- Stephanie Moore offers a FREE breastfeeding class at Becoming Mothers each month (registration dependent). The next class is Sunday, July 26, 10:00 am – 11:30 am. PLEASE RSVP to smoore@becomingmothers.com OR register at www.becomingmothers.com…..so that they know how many to expect on Sunday morning.
1. Visit Cash’s Garden at Children’s Hospital http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_12590653
Cash died at 4 months of age from SMA, a neuromuscular disorder. I was blessed to work with his parents as part of their grief healing team.
His parents have created this garden at Denver children’s hospital as their expression of honoring Cash and their grief.
Tess and Paige have been courageous ambassadors of teaching about the deep transformative power and gifts of grief.
If you are in the neighborhood of the hospital, visit the garden.
2. The Children’s Hospital is now offering FREE and CONFIDENTIAL birth control and STD screenings (GC/CT, HIV, RPR, Pap).For women 25 years of age or younger.
These services are available regardless of insurance, residency, or documentation status.
There are no restrictions on county residency.
The telephone number is 720-777-BC4U (2248). The location is the Adolescent Medicine Clinic-The Children’s Hospital Outpatient Pavilion.
Teresa Robertson RN,MSN,Certified Nurse Midwife, has been involved in the realms of women’s health, birth, and alternative healing for the past 29 years. During the past 12 years, she has shared these integrative tools of healing and knowing with numerous groups of clients and professionals.
Visit Teresa at LivingIntuitive.com
Follow Teresa on Twitter: http://twitter.com/livingintuitive.
You may absolutely share this newsletter with people you think may enjoy it. When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including our contact and copyright information. Thanks and enjoy!
Intuitive Reminders is written by Teresa Robertson. If you have any questions or comments, please send them to:Teresa@LivingIntuitive.com.
© 2009 Living Intuitive. All Rights Reserved.
Email: Teresa@LivingIntuitive.com
Website: LivingIntuitive.com