Tuesday, June 15, 2010 Published each month. You are on our list because you signed up for one of our programs. To change your subscription, see link at end of email. |
As we have now finally officially crash landed into summer, we are really getting to know the 3 chickens we inherited this month from our neighbors who moved back to England. Here they are in our garden. This month I have had the privilege and joy to co-facilitate two 2 blessingways—one for a pregnancy and one for a wedding. To learn more about blessingways, click here, I am excited to announce a new upcoming July workshop in Telluride in addition to a fertility and pregnancy class planned June 24th at Belly Bliss. Click here for more information. After reading Slow Death by Rubber Duck: The Secret Danger of Everyday Things, I have attempted to translate and share the book’s pearls of wisdom in how they relate to fertility, pregnancy and small children. You can read more here. Finally, there are several new wonderful pregnancy/birth books out there that I share in the Book Corner. Enjoy!
Making the Connection with our Environment: What a complete mind/body and spiritual journey I entered upon after picking up Slow Death by Rubber Duck: The Secret Danger of Everyday Things by Rick Smith and Bruce Lourie. This book is easy to read, but its potent content churned up so much for me. On a spiritual journey note, I realized that I needed to move past the fear and doom and gloom it created to an understanding of how to authentically work with the books message and content. So, after moving past my denial about my high end non stick cookware, (which has now been deposited at eco cycle); and then past the “we are all doomed to get cancer and die” despair phase; I began to explore how do we shift this internally. I wanted to understand how we could all work with this not only on a physical level—example, removing the toxic cookware, but on an inner level. I do so in the Meditation Tool. What follows in this article is my attempt to communicate and to share some of the concrete steps we can engage in to mitigate the pollutants in our world. This knowledge aspect needs to be balanced with the deep understand and realization that we can never control our outside world, that the only place of affecting our outside world starts from our inside.
My intention is not to create fear and more controlling behavior but to cultivate awareness and empowered choices along with some concrete actions you can make. Reading this book with my radar and interest in fertility promotion and pregnancy I am even more alarmed that our medical treatment of fertility disorders IGNORES environmental pollutants as a contributing factor. Remember that old Dire Straits song about Industrial disease? Many of my current clients know that I recommend testing for heavy metal toxicity—mercury, lead, arsenic. However, after reading this book I have come to realize that we need to look beyond that. The book covered 7 chemical pollutant influences. So, for the next 7- future blog postings to be launched in July, I will review what I learned here and share the correlations to how they affect your fertility, pregnancy, and future health of your children. So in this issue, let’s talk a few minutes about phylates—what they are and what you can do about them. Anything that has fragrance in it most likely is filled with phylates. Many of us now know to look for cosmetics and personal care products that are phylate free on safecosmetics.org. They can also be found in plastic toys. We all know how children put everything in their mouths. Phylates are considered to be an endocrine disruptor—in plain language, a chemical that can disrupt your hormones. They have been associated with testicular dysgenesis syndrome, which includes hypospadias (urine opening of the pen|s appearing on different areas of the pen|s), impaired sperm quality and testicular cancer. So, not only can phylates affect adult sperm, they can affect your child’s future fertility. The good news is they are quickly metabolized. So, if you are aware of your exposures, you can decrease your phylate levels. Given the culture we live in, however, there will always be some exposure. What you can do?
LAST but not LEAST… Simultaneous to reading Slow Death, I encountered the following Pediatrics article about ADHD and pesticide exposure.
Any of you out there who are in the process of expanding your family; or in early pregnancy PLEASE avoid areas where pesticides are being sprayed. PLEASE do not use or apply weed killer or bug killer (aka pesticides) application in or around your home. These chemicals are most toxic airborn and go directly to your fetus and could contribute to a miscarriage. They also become part of our water supply. The placenta works in a way that draws any exposure the mother encounters to become amplified in the developing baby’s body. The placenta is the way to optimize the baby grabbing as many nutrients as possible from the mom. Unfortunately this system was developed pre-chemical pollutants. “You can reduce your exposure to pesticides by up to 80% buying the organic version of the Dirty Dozen.” What are the “Dirty Dozen?” Think anything with a thin skin. Celery, peaches, strawberries, apples, domestic blueberries, nectarines, sweet bell peppers, spinach, kale, collard greens, cherries, potatoes, imported grapes, and lettuce. “Not all non-organic fruits and vegetables have a high pesticide level. Some produce has a strong outer layer that provides a defense against pesticide contamination. The group found a number of non-organic fruits and vegetables dubbed the “Clean 15” that contained little to no pesticides.” The Clean 15 Onions, avocados, sweet corn, pineapples, mango, sweet peas, asparagus, kiwi fruit, cabbage, eggplant, cantaloupe, watermelon, grapefruit, sweet potatoes, and sweet onions Let’s look at how we can shift this for ourselves and our children. The ever hemorrhaging oil spill has, in a big way, brought this to our attention. Below, from the Slow Duck Website, are the resource actions the authors recommend. Ten Ways to Detoxify Your Home Recommendations from the authors of Slow Death by Rubber Duck: The Secret Danger of Everyday Things
Some of the most serious toxins in our lives come from hidden ingredients in the everyday consumer products found in our homes. The good news is that there are simple steps we can all take to reduce our exposure. 1. Non-stick products and stain repellants: These types of chemicals are found on furniture, carpets, clothing, non-stick frying pans and even fast food wrappers. Known as perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs), they are linked to cancer and can mimic human hormones affecting how the bodies and brains of children develop. To avoid these chemicals, don’t buy the latest “stain repellent” pants or shirts, replace your non-stick frying pan with stainless steel or iron, and pop your popcorn the old fashioned way (the inside of microwave popcorn bags are coated with PFCs). 2. PVC plastic and fragrances: Dangerous chemicals called phthalates are found in PVC plastic and a range of personal care products. They’re strange chemicals because they make plastic things feel soft and rubbery (the number one pollutant in a standard rubber duck) and they carry scent (the basis of many highly fragrant products) but they also mimic human hormones and harm children. The authors found that levels of phthalates increased by as much as 22 times after they used common, brand name personal care products. Simple ways to avoid phthalates include getting rid of your vinyl shower curtain, refraining from the use of synthetic air fresheners, and choosing unscented body care products whenever possible. 3. Flame retardants in fabric and foam: These chemicals, called polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), are linked to cancer, impaired brain development and a host of other health problems. They are in furniture, mattresses, curtains, carpets, and electronics. To avoid them, use natural fibers, such as wool, hemp, and cotton. There are also PBDE free foam mattresses and sofas. Many electronics companies are phasing out PBDEs and using safer alternatives, so ask stores or manufacturers to identify PBDE-free products for you. 4. Hard plastic containers: Polycarbonate plastic containers use bisphenol A (BPA) which mimics estrogen, and has been linked to a host of health problems from breast cancer to diabetes. The authors’ levels of BPA increased 7.5 times after eating canned foods out of a microwavable, polycarbonate plastic container. Don’t use any polycarbonate plastic containers, including baby bottles, re-usable sports bottles, or microwaveable containers. BPA also lines canned food, so choose fresh or frozen food when you can. And never microwave your food in plastic. 5. Organic food: Non-organic fruits and vegetables are grown with pesticides that can cause cancer and neurological disorders, as well as damage our immune and reproductive systems. Best to avoid pesticides whenever you can, particularly in dairy products and on your fruits and vegetables. Can’t eat organic? Wash all produce and eat a variety of foods so you’re not exposed to the same pesticide repeatedly. Also, growing your own food is an easy way to avoid pesticides, and have great tasting veggies. Start by growing fresh herbs; it’s easy to do and requires little space. 6. Fish in moderation: Fish is generally good for you, but levels of mercury increased by 2.5 times after the book’s authors ate tuna. Mercury is a known neurotoxin that harms the development of children. Mercury builds up in certain fish, so smaller fish are safer to eat than big fish. If you are pregnant or are planning on becoming pregnant, avoid all tuna, shark, and swordfish. 7. Antibacterial products. Antibacterial products may contain triclosan which weakens the immune system and is suspected of causing cancer. Antibiotic overuse has lead to the creation of “superbugs.” The book’s authors found their levels of triclosan increased an astounding 2,900 times just by using anti-bacterial soaps and other personal care products. It takes about three minutes of contact for tricolsan in these products to work, so traditional soap and water provides the best defense. 8. Household cleaning products: Most common products have a toxic mix of chemicals that often go unlabelled, but are linked to a variety of health problems, including cancer. The homemade concoctions our grandparents used are just as effective, are safer, and cost less. Consider using simple household ingredients such as soap, vinegar, baking soda, vegetable oil, and lemon juice for cleaning. 9. Call the companies: Companies that add these chemicals to their products are very sensitive to consumer demand, as are politicians. Read the labels, ask store staff questions, and call the 1-800 number listed on products to find out what is in them. The internet is now the source of many excellent consumer guides to help you. 10. Contact Congress: Ask your elected officials to pass legislation to make products safer. Grounding After digesting all of this information about the pollutants we are swimming in, I realized that I needed to create an inner resource—otherwise I found myself swimming in despair.
“Water is a mirror of everything After hearing this quote again and knowing that our bodies are 65-90% water, I thought that was a great place to start. Say hello to your body I invite you to ground your body Connecting yourself to heaven and earth Now create a gold sun on top of your head Ask that this sun bubble be infused with all of the components that your body needs right now to optimally balance the water in your body Infuse it with trust, calm validation and health Pop the bubble Allow it to flow into your brain, down your spinal cord and into every cell of your body, recalibrating holding a new vibration for health, vitality and wholeness. Join Teresa in Denver Belly Bliss Upcoming June workshops at Belly Bliss located in Denver’s Cherry Creek district.
Join Teresa in Telluride Teresa will be in Telluride available for private sessions July 8-11, 2010. July 11th she’ll be conducting a workshop from 10am to 2pm – Understanding Your Life Purpose Contact Teresa a tann@indra.com or 303-258-3904 to schedule your time.
For Established Clients and Phone Sessions Only Ever felt like you would benefit by consulting with Teresa but didn’t feel you needed an entire hour session? Did you know that Teresa offers “phone card” sessions. Here’s how it works:
The Gathering Place at Marine Street Rent this elegant 370 square foot carpeted teaching space, within the Marine Street Healing Arts building at 2825 Marine St, Boulder. Contact Teresa at tann@indra.com or Weekly Meditation Programs: The Pregnancy Meditation Connection: A weekly morning and evening meditation for daily use. My intentions for this audio pod cast (or MP3 download) are:
For a sample listen from the Pregnancy Making the Connection meditation series, click here. $20/month ________________________________________________ Living Intuitive Meditation Connection: A weekly morning and evening meditation for daily use. My intentions for this audio pod cast (or MP3 download) are:
For a sample listen from the General Living Making the Connection meditation series, click here. $20/month
BOULDER/DENVER Stephanie will be teaching three Love and Logic® classes this June/July. Singing Bowls & Labyrinth Walk
The Midwives Path – Birth Overview – Correspondence or Weekly Course. Family Hospice 2nd Annual Butterfly Memorial How to Lose Your “Pooch” for Good Class Massage: We are looking for women who will be in their 3rd trimester of a healthy pregnancy to receive a FREE supervised student massage on: SUMMER READING LIST 1. Orgasmic Birth: Your Guide to a Safe, Satisfying, and Pleasurable Birth Experience by Elizabeth Davis and Debra Pascali- Bonoro 2. Labyrinth of Birth: Creating a Map, Meditations and Rituals for Your Childbearing Year by Pam England: 3. Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom (Revised Edition): Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing by Christiane Northrup MD 4. Intuitive Parenting: Listening to the Wisdom of Your Heart by Debra Snyder PhD. Brought to you by Beyond Words/Atria, a division of Simon & Schuster 5. Ayurveda for the Childbearing Years, by Terra Rafael
Teresa Robertson RN,MSN,Certified Nurse Midwife, has been involved in the realms of women’s health, birth, and alternative healing for the past 29 years. During the past 12 years, she has shared these integrative tools of healing and knowing with numerous groups of clients and professionals. Visit Teresa at LivingIntuitive.com Follow Teresa on Twitter: http://twitter.com/livingintuitive. You may absolutely share this newsletter with people you think may enjoy it. When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including our contact and copyright information. Thanks and enjoy! Intuitive Reminders is written by Teresa Robertson. If you have any questions or comments, please send them to:Teresa@LivingIntuitive.com. © 2010 Living Intuitive. All Rights Reserved. Email: Teresa@LivingIntuitive.com |