Friday, December 18, 2009
Vol. 2, Issue 12
Published each month. You are on our list because you signed up for one of our programs. To change your subscription, see link at end of email.
Well the fox never lies.
In mid-August, our local den of foxes were molting which indicated a very early and cold winter. As I write this, we are in the middle of our 2nd artic freeze and our 4th snow storm, and it is not officially “winter” until December 21st!
I am so grateful for the ability to add heat to our home via a wood stove. As my friend Debi says, wood keeps me warm twice. First, from stacking and carrying it into the house, which by the way provides great weight bearing exercise. Secondly, the deep penetrating heat it releases upon burning.
As I begin to resume my work with clients, I have found that one of the gifts from my husband’s healing crisis has been a deep sharpening and honing of my intuitive counseling skills.
In appreciation of my clients, with any session purchased between now and January 6th, you will receive a gift of my 2-part abundance tele-seminar, a $55 dollar value.
Favorite Holiday Gift Ideas:
Tis the Season to Feel Our Sorrow
This year, a significant number of my clients have experienced loss and transition. Whether it was a miscarriage, infant loss, death of a family member, pet, or a relationship ending in divorce; I had the privilege to support you with my intuitive midwifery skills.
What strikes me time and time again, is the utter disregard embedded deep within our culture for acknowledging and supporting the grief process.
Because of this disregard, too many grievers hide and stuff their needs for grieving in a healthy manner, thereby hindering their healing.
Unfortunately, the holiday season is a time when the land mines of grief reemerge unbidden. This is not a time we are feeling jolly, but when our grief comes forward unheeded and on full volume.
This has been an intense year. I have observed around me, that there is not one of us who has not been impacted this year by a loss. If not within our own personal lives, then by someone close by.
During this season, what each of the cultural and religious groups are celebrating is the return of light and hope into our lives. Our days start getting longer and we slowly start the rotation towards summer.
So with the return of light and hope, lets remember to honor the grief.
The gift or seed that lies within grief’s inherent physical and emotional pain; is the opportunity to open up and break through to patterns and a new self.
I believe that an authentic journey of grief necessities REBIRTH. Grief is messy, liberating, empowering and a tool for transformation and transcendence.
Below I am sharing some concrete suggestions of how to honor your grief process during this time of light, hope and rebirth.
1. Choose your social engagements consciously. Pick only the settings, and social gathering which will feed you. It can take an amazing amount of energy to maintain being jolly and “appropriate” to hide what is real for us.
So what might feed you more may be a smaller dinner party; or a gathering of friends playing games. As opposed to a large festive holiday gathering.
2. Nourish and maintain traditions that feed your soul. For example, over the past 8 years I have hosted a tea party at our local tea house. This is a tradition I have chosen to maintain this year. However, decorating the house feels like a waste of my energy and resources so I am letting that one go for this year.
3. Move some activities into January a time of year when there is a sudden drop off of activities and it is just as cold and dreary outside. This way you and the friends and family you really want to connect with can meet and really recharge.
4. Give yourself PERMISSION FROM ME to stay inside, and BE versus GO GO GOing. There are deep and valuable gifts to be archived from taking inner time. This will necessitate saying No to others in order to say YES to yourself.
5. Create a shrine, outside in nature, to commemorate your loss. The shrine serves as an outer and creative expression of your feelings. It can be something simple like some pinecones and some dried leaves. The beauty of leaving it outside is that nature will release it when it is “time”.
6. Review and honor the stages of grief. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Be aware that this process can and will happen out of sequence and can overlap stages.
7.Time to pull out the Bach Flowers. Here are some suggested by Bach for grief:
Pine: for blaming oneself
Elm: feeling that your task undertaken is too difficult
Larch: general not feeling good enough to deserve and expect failure
Sweet chestnut: feeling “when anguish is so great as to seem to be unbearable”
Star of Bethelehem: for “for those under distress under conditions which for a time produce great unhappiness”- situational depression/grief.
Willow: “for those who have suffered adversity and find these difficult to accepts without complaint or resentment”
Oak: for”brave poeple fighting against great difficulties, without loss of hope or effort”
8. “To keep a lamp burning we have to keep putting oil in it.” ~ Mother Teresa
Keep a List of what feeds and nourishes your energy and fill your lamp!
9. Lastly, here are some web sites and books you might find helpful
You will find a list of my recommended books on grief and loss on my website here.
For Established Clients and Phone Sessions Only
Ever felt like you would benefit by consulting with Teresa but didn’t feel you needed an entire hour session?
Did you know that Teresa offers “phone card” sessions.
Here’s how it works:
- You purchase a session or session package.
- This gets converted to minutes. Example: a 3 session package becomes 210 minutes.
- Then you are able to connect with Teresa for any amount of time, depending on your needs.
- Clients are finding it amazing the clarity they are achieving with with just a 20 or 25 minutes call.
The Gathering Place at Marine Street
Rent this elegant 370 square foot carpeted teaching space, within the Marine Street Healing Arts building at 2825 Marine St, Boulder.
Contact Teresa at or
call 303-258-3904.
ASTROLOGY UPDATE – Mercury Retrograde is Coming!
Jyoti Wind
Astro Update 12 09 09
Today, Mercury enters the shadow of its Retrograde (Rx) cycle, remaining in Capricorn the whole time (see below for the dates of the cycle).
Mercury in Capricorn wants us to look at the goals we’ve had in place; our ideas of ‘business as usual’ and just what that really means to us; and the places where we limit ourselves in our thinking.
When Mercury actually turns Rx on the 26th, we will come back to the events beginning today and over the next several weeks, as we move into the New Year, to rethink, re-evaluate, and re-choose what is true for us.
Also today, Mars is at 19deg. of Leo, where it will stay until Dec.30th. It’s a slow-down of energy, a taking stock of where we take on more than we might want to…a time to look at pride, attention-getting devices, and where true leadership calls to us.
The Sun is trine Mars tomorrow evening at 6:18 PM (MST), and proves a dynamic
evening. Movement.
Mercury’s cycle:
Dec. 9…enters its shadow
Dec. 26th…goes Rx
Jan.15th…goes Direct
Feb.3rd…catches up and moves on
Recommended audio classes and other resources:
Cultivating and Creating Abundance Part 1 and Part 2
During these tele classes, Teresa walks you through seven everyday abundance building tools and techniques.
Cost: $30 each or $55 for bundle with Parts 1 and 2.
Click below to purchase downloadable MP3 file.
Part 1, Part 2, and Bundle (Parts 1 & 2)
Before you start trying: Preparing your mind, body & spirit for an optimal conception pregnancy Introduction, Part 1, and Part 2
Introduction: During this 40 minute tele class, you can listen to an overview of the content Teresa explores in depth in Preparing for Pregnancy Parts 1 and 2. (Part 1 offered for purchase below.)
Cost: No Charge. (Also available in bundle below)
Click here to receive downloadable MP3 file.
Parts 1 and 2: Join Teresa as she explores this unique mind/body/spiritual approach to pregnancy preparation designed for both men and women. Before you get on the “trying” merry-go- round come to assess where you are individually and as a couple for this life changing and exciting step. Learn how you can start nourishing yourself in preparation and in anticipation of welcoming this new member of your family. Begin to create time and space for this new person into your life. Explore and understand the deeply rewarding, strengthening, and validating aspects of preparing for a pregnancy as opposed to just learning about what you have to begin to deprive yourself of in order to get pregnant.
Cost: $35 each or $60 for bundle with Introduction, Part 1 and Part 2.
Click below to purchase downloadable MP3 files.
Part 1 – Preparing your Body
Part 2 – Preparing Mind and Spirit including connecting with the spirit of your unborn child
Summer Re-Tuning Reading. Click here or call or call 303-258-3904.
Check in an assess what is working and receive a new perspective and guidance on where you want to be heading with some specific tools and feedback to get you started.
If you haven’t checked out the new Kindle, you’re missing out. Get all the details here.
Honoring Your Child’s Spirit: Pre-birth Bonding and Communication
by Flo Aeveia Magdelena
Check out the contributing chapter written by Teresa!
Living Our Potential as Beings of Light
The family system is our first and most intimate experience of the world. It is where we learn about love, sharing, generosity, co-creation, and honoring—or about hate, reaction, fear, anger, and separation. The family may be a spiritual haven and a loving place of growth or a place of absent presence, where we physically live together but do not connect. We either make this connection and create a foundation in our childhood or spend our lives looking for it.
When parents establish a conscious heart/soul connection with their children and with each other, deeper levels of trust and safety are experienced. As we deepen our bonds, we are more sensitive to the subtle, nonverbal communication which we exchange at all times with all living organisms. Relationships are not bound by normal restrictions because the information sent via channels of sensory response are unaffected by language, beliefs, or convention. You are connected beyond earthly rules, and can therefore create a unique relationship that works for your family.
To order select below:
USA Orders – $20 includes shipping and handling
International Orders – $25 includes shipping and handling
Newsletter on Vitamin D
Five million dollar randomized controlled trial sponsored by Thrasher Research Fund and NIH
Scientists around the world presented their work at the recent Vitamin D conference in Brugge, Belgium. Many, but not all, of the scientists opined that we have to wait for randomized controlled trials (RCT) before recommending Vitamin D. In a future newsletter, I will review many of these presentations.
However, one was extraordinary. Professor Bruce Hollis presented findings from his and Carol Wagner’s five million dollar Thrasher Research Fund ( and NIH sponsored randomized controlled trials of about 500 pregnant women. Bruce and Carol’s discoveries are vital for every pregnant woman. Their studies had three arms: 400, 2,000, and 4,000 IU/day.
- 4,000 IU/day during pregnancy was safe (not a single adverse event) but only resulted in a mean Vitamin D blood level of 27 ng/ml in the newborn infants, indicating to me that 4,000 IU per day during pregnancy is not enough.
- During pregnancy, 25(OH)D (Vitamin D) levels had a direct influence on activated Vitamin D levels in the mother’s blood, with a minimum Vitamin D level of 40 ng/ml needed for mothers to obtain maximum activated vitamin D levels. (As most pregnant women have Vitamin D levels less than 40 ng/ml, this implies most pregnant women suffer from chronic substrate starvation and cannot make as much activated Vitamin D as their placenta wants to make.)
- Complications of pregnancy, such as preterm labor, preterm birth, and infection were lowest in women taking 4,000 IU/day, Women taking 2,000 IU per day had more infections than women taking 4,000 IU/day. Women taking 400 IU/day, as exists in prenatal vitamins, had double the pregnancy complications of the women taking 4,000 IU/day.
Some of my favorite web sites
Water for Humans is a nonprofit social venture enterprise working to bring sanitation and clean water to communities in need through partnerships with local communities, NGOs, social entrepreneurs, universities and governments. These partnerships ensure clean drinking water, create local jobs and protect local water assets. Over 884 million people in the world do not have access to potable water and over 2.5 billion lack proper sanitation. Potable water shortages and contaminated water sources are some of the leading causes of illness and death worldwide, resulting in waterborne diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, typhoid and parasite infections.
Water for Humans is still in need of lots of funding to really make their project happen. If you and your families friends are considering making donations this year instead of or in addition to gift giving, I’ll hope you’ll consider donating to Water for Humans. Find out more at:
Kiva’s mission is to connect people through lending for the sake of alleviating poverty.
Kiva is the world’s first person-to-person micro-lending website, empowering individuals to lend to unique entrepreneurs around the globe.
Special offer from GladRags: Free Pantyliner with Purchase!
For the rest of the month, GladRags is giving away a free color cotton pantyliner with every purchase over $25! GladRags Pantyliners make fun stocking stuffers for your sister, daughter, coworker, or friends — or just keep it for yourself! Want more than one? Place an order over $100 and you’ll receive two free pantyliners!
If you would like to add HypnoBirthing to the services you offer pregnant women, they are offering practitioner training in Longmont.
Energy practitioner, Deborah Cardoza, is seeking volunteers willing to receive one to five sessions of qigong based healing at The Center Place in Boulder. She is seeking clinical hours in preparation for her third year of the Body-Energy Practitioner training program. To schedule, call 970-729-0479
Ruth Hartman will be teaching her next Childbirth, Naturally class at Becoming Mothers starting on Jan.6th. This six week class, based on the teachings in Birthing from Within covers everything from pregnancy, nutrition, stages of labor, pain coping, hospital tools, post-partum care, etc. Call her at 303-440-4115 for more information.
Teresa Robertson RN,MSN,Certified Nurse Midwife, has been involved in the realms of women’s health, birth, and alternative healing for the past 29 years. During the past 12 years, she has shared these integrative tools of healing and knowing with numerous groups of clients and professionals.
Visit Teresa at
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Intuitive Reminders is written by Teresa Robertson. If you have any questions or comments, please send them
© 2009 Living Intuitive. All Rights Reserved.