Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Vol. 2, Issue 3
March, the month which hosts the Spring Equinox on the 20th, tempts us into believing that spring is really here! Yet, in reality, March is a transition month–snowy winter one day, balmy sweet melting temps and emerging green on another.
Already, I am hearing the bird chirps from the nests in the Pine trees that surround our home.
In this issue of Intuitive Reminders, I want to use this spring transition as metaphor in which to view some of the larger internal and external changes rapidly shifting us all. It is my desire, that these insights and tips, may assist each of you in creating connection and empowerment in the midst of these waves of transition.
Change is Opportunity
The Chinese character for crisis translates into English as danger and opportunity.
The Chinese character for change translates to transformation.
We Humans are funny creatures. For years (40 years for some), many of us have been visualizing, advocating, and praying for paradigm shifts in our world. What many of us failed to realize, is that the old structures would have to crumble before the world we visualized manifested. Now as the old falls away, the talking media heads focus exclusively on the doom, gloom and loss; and neglect refocusing on the opportunities which are birthing from this time of immense changes.
I encourage each of you to be mindful of the Chinese translations and symbols as we watch many past time structures deteriorate. I believe the way through change, and any ensuing fear, is to shift our awareness from what has been destroyed or lost towards the opportunities present and available.
My new favorite phrase about this time is: we are in a breakdown in order to break through.
Observing the current rumblings with my midwives lens I see that our global culture is in the midst of a huge labor process. Labor as in birthing labor, not work force labor.
We are literally re-birthing ourselves, our beliefs, our structures, our communities, and, ultimately, our world.
To birth a baby vaginally, one first engages in the first stage of labor–the opening of the cervix. To navigate this stage requires employing our female aspect of allowing, opening, yielding, and trusting. It is not a doing phase of labor. The second stage, however, the pushing stage, engages our active, doing, male aspect is in order to push our child into the light of the world.
To birth any project or gift we need to combine our female and male aspect to birth our divine child.
I would compare where we are now in the world to the time of labor known as the transition phase. During transition, the cervix is almost all the way open, but not enough so that pushing can begin. The laboring mom is in between the tide of allowing and feeling the building surges of pushing. Betwixt and between. That she is losing her old self but she is not yet at her new place of being.
During this time in labor is when many women feel like they are losing control; or that they can’t do it any longer! She often cries out for a C-section or an epidural in order to end this intractable time and place. Her body modulates both the huge forces of contraction and waves of power.
When I would sit with women in labor, I would encourage them during this phase of labor to cope in one of two ways.
One was to meet that intensity and get into the eye of the hurricane–the calm space in the midst of the raging storm of the power around her. Once she was able to relinquish the need to stay in control, she could connect with her inner calm, intuition, and power, and ride the waves. Now deep inside the calm, she could also connect with her baby to co navigate whatever would follow.
The second was to support the mother in pulling her awareness to a birds eye view on the top of her crown. From there she could observe but not get stuck in the intensity surrounding her.
Lastly but not least, the essential key resource that I and other birth workers bring to a labor is their belief and support.
Trusting beliefs of: this is a normal process, you are and can make it through this process provide an invaluable resource. Often, it is this holding of the belief that offers the key ingredient of a birth experience–regardless of the birth’s outcome, allowing the birth to be an empowering experience for the birthing mom and family.
So who and what you surround yourself with during a time of transition is pivotal in the outcome of that experience.
This labor advice really feels appropriate for all of us right now.
Most of us are not birthing babies, however we are all birthing new selves and new ways of being in our changing world.
Below in the Meditation section I offer some concrete tips and suggestions to assist each of us within our day-to-day labor process.
In addition to these Meditation tips, I wanted to share with all of you two new types of intuitive consultations that have been helping clients through this time of change.
1. Life purpose- Life design Readings
Answering the question, “What did I come here to learn?” is something I have been offering for years in unborn child readings.
Recently, I have been seeing how valuable this information is for us to remember, to know, and to utilize as adults.
In this reading, we explore what is your life purpose?
The types of questions we explore is this reading include:
Who am I as a soul?
What is my life purpose or what did I come to the Earth at this time to learn, teach, contribute or to create?
How do I best access my resources in this journey?
Who are my allies and support?
What are my next steps in aligning/realigning to my souls purpose?2. Spring Tune Up Reading
Spring is a great time to reassess and to re-tune your goals for well being, health, relationship, and livelihood utilizing an integrated mind, body and spiritual point of view.
When pursuing our goals, we often become dominant in our approach to meet our goals using a dominant strengthen such as our mind, or spirit or body.
In this reading, you will check in with and integrate wisdom with your mind, body and spirit for information and support in order to fulfill your goals.
Tuning into this fresh perspective can help you to more quickly to clear obstacles and help to re-energize fulfilling your goals.
Schedule an Intuitive session with Teresa.
1. Cultivate a Pleasure list and savor the pleasure activities when you engage in them.
A pleasure could be as simple as taking a moment to walk outside and feel the sun and smell the hint of Spring appearing. Or when you take that first sip of coffee in the morning, really experience the aroma and flavor.
2. Go on a media diet.
As my Virtual Assistant emphatically shared with me, “I am choosing to not participate in this Recession!”
No, she is not in denial. She knows that her thoughts and beliefs create her life. She is choosing to focus on abundance instead of lack.
To do so, you may have to turn off the news and put away the newspapers. Before I met my husband, I never watched TV and I didn’t read the newspaper. It always amazed me that when something important happened, I was one of the first people to be informed. Information I need always finds its way to me.
3. Follow your wave of connection to spirit.
Meditation, prayer and quiet time are the essential keys to navigating this time.
If you do not know how you feel, and, if you do not have a dialogue with your internal guidance system, aka your intuition, then you will just be following the herd blindly and in terror off the cliff.
4. Aligning yourself with divine source to remain within EYE OF STORM TO AVOID the falling debris.
Finding your calm in the middle of the storm.
5. Flower essences are a wonderful way to energetically re shift your emotional body to re tune itself.
They work by frequency and not volume of dosing. So small frequent dosing versus gulping the entire bottle. Diluting the bottle you get makes them more economical to use.
Here are some suggestions:
Forget me not: helpful for communicating with spirit
Rescue Remedy or 5 flower remedy: for stress, terror, fear
Rock Rose: for terror
Cherry Plum: fear of losing control
Introductory Teleclass
Before you start trying: Preparing your mind, body & spirit for an optimal conception pregnancy
This teleseminar was presented on January 13, 2009.
During this 40 minute teleclass, you can listen to an overview of the content Teresa explores in depth in Preparing for Pregnancy Parts 1 and 2. (Part 1 offered for purchase below.)
Cost: No Charge.
Click here to receive downloadable MP3 file.
Part 1: Before you start trying: A Guide to Preparing Your Body for Pregnancy.
During this 55 minute teleclass, Teresa reviews the in’s and out’s of how to optimally prepare your body for conception and pregnancy.
This is a wonderful gift to share with friends and family.
Cost: $35.
Click here to purchase downloadable MP3 file.
Honoring Your Child’s Spirit: Pre-birth Bonding and Communication
by Flo Aeveia Magdelena
Check out the contributing chapter written by Teresa!
Living Our Potential as Beings of Light
The family system is our first and most intimate experience of the world. It is where we learn about love, sharing, generosity, co-creation, and honoring—or about hate, reaction, fear, anger, and separation. The family may be a spiritual haven and a loving place of growth or a place of absent presence, where we physically live together but do not connect. We either make this connection and create a foundation in our childhood or spend our lives looking for it.
When parents establish a conscious heart/soul connection with their children and with each other, deeper levels of trust and safety are experienced. As we deepen our bonds, we are more sensitive to the subtle, nonverbal communication which we exchange at all times with all living organisms. Relationships are not bound by normal restrictions because the information sent via channels of sensory response are unaffected by language, beliefs, or convention. You are connected beyond earthly rules, and can therefore create a unique relationship that works for your family.
To order select below:
USA Orders – $20 includes shipping and handling
International Orders – $25 includes shipping and handling
New Class Announcement:
Introduction: Cultivating Abundance
Free class taught by Teresa Robertson. Click here to sign up.
Tuesday March 24, 2009, 8 pm EST (7 pm CST / 6 pm MST / 5 pm PST)
TONIGHT ~ Before You Start Trying:
How to prepare your mind, body and spirit for Pregnancy – Part 2
Free class taught by Teresa Robertson. Click here to sign up.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009, 9 pm EST (6 pm PST / 7 pm MST / 8 pm CST)
1 hour: 45 minute class with 15 minutes Q&AParticipate in these one-time only free teleclasses.
Come join us for this unique mind/body/spiritual approach to pregnancy preparation designed for both men and women. Before you get on the “trying” merry-go- round come to assess where you are individually and as a couple for this life changing and exciting step. Learn how you can start nourishing yourself in preparation and in anticipation of welcoming this new member of your family. Begin to create time and space for this new person into your life. Explore and understand the deeply rewarding, strengthening, and validating aspects of preparing for a pregnancy as opposed to just learning about what you have to begin to deprive yourself of in order to get pregnant.
In April, To Be Announced: Communicating with Your Unborn Child – Part 1
Upcoming Speaking Engagement
April 24-27 2009
XIV International Congress of Association of Pre and Perinatal Psychology and HealthThe Miracle of Birth: Uniting Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science
Teresa’s presentation is on Sunday the 26th
Teresa Robertson RN,MSN,Certified Nurse Midwife, has been involved in the realms of women’s health, birth, and alternative healing for the past 29 years. During the past 12 years, she has shared these integrative tools of healing and knowing with numerous groups of clients and professionals.
Visit Teresa at LivingIntuitive.com
Follow Teresa on Twitter: http://twitter.com/livingintuitive.
You may absolutely share this newsletter with people you think may enjoy it. When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including our contact and copyright information. Thanks and enjoy!
Intuitive Reminders is written by Teresa Robertson. If you have any questions or comments, please send them to:Teresa@BirthIntuitive.com.
© 2009 Living Intuitive. All Rights Reserved.
Email: Teresa@BirthIntuitive.com
Website: LivingIntuitive.com